Image of two elderly people holding hands in hospital

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How can we help you?

Cancer Care Providers Around Chorley & Leyland

We help people with cancer, if someone is undergoing treatment the medication can affect their energy levels, ability to eat, drink and carry out personal care such as showering. We can help with all these practical tasks to make it much easier.

In some cases a customer undergoing treatment may need help getting to hospital appointments – we take people to places such as the Rosemere Cancer Centre at the Royal Preston Hospital.

If someone is unwell they may require overnight care, we can provide this as one continual block – usually 10pm- 7am but this can be changed should you wish.

We also provide palliative (end of life care), we have experience of helping people in the last few months or weeks of their life and can provide 24 hour home care. End of life care is often funded by the NHS and we have a track record of working with the public sector in the Chorley and Leyland area.

Can we help with cancer care? 01257 696 050