As people get older their poor health may mean they eat less, and if they eat less they may become more unwell. This can create a “viscous circle” or downward spiral. Even if elderly people have food in the fridge it is not a guarantee that they are eating well. An older person may be a little down and not be motivated to cook, someone with dementia may forget, or not be able to use the cooker or microwave. It may be that they need a carer to cook their meal and encourage them gently to eat it.
It is a fact that if older people eat, drink and take their medication properly they are more likely to keep better health for longer. Quite often it is these basics which cause someone to struggle. If a carer visits an older person they can oversee eating, drinking and medication prompting from a blister pack. Whilst microwave meals may not always be what we would like people to eat, a meal cooked from scratch is better and a carer can do this, microwave meals are practical, a wide range are available and they can be cooked in 5 to 10 minutes which fits in with a carer’s visit duration. Having someone at the home whilst they eat just prompts or reminds an older people, and it motivates them.
A range of meals are available, there are specialist providers like Wiltshire Farm Foods who have been around for some time, but more recently the supermarkets have entered the market. These companies all deliver to the home in specific time slots which avoids either the older person or their guardian having to go out shopping.
A call to support a person to eat can also be combined with other duties to fill the 30 minute or 1 hour duration.
If a loved one needs support eating why not give Independent Living a call in office hours on 01257 696 050.