Cold Weather and Home Care
As I write this today the temperatures have plummeted and it feels really cold outside. This got me thinking back to the late 1970s and early 1980s when I was a teenager (yes a long time ago now!). Looking back to this time it seems to me the winters were colder in that we had more days which were bitterly cold and with snow. Where I lived in South Yorkshire temperatures overnight were below freezing and I remember my mum bring washing in from the clothes line which was like cardboard. Going to school in the mornings I would try to break icicles off the drain pipes and guttering! I cannot remember when I last saw an icicle! My children don’t really know what I’m talking about but I’m sure older people who Independent Living provide care for will remember those days.
However, I digress. When the cold temperatures arrive it is important we all check on elderly neighbours and relatives. Cold (like heat) can make our bodies work harder as we control our temperature and this can affect older people more are more likely to have circulation, respiratory or heart conditions. In addition, older people are often less mobile and therefore at risk of hypothermia. If older people go outside they are at greater risk of falling due to ice or slippery surfaces. In this cold snap we have to be more vigilant.
At Independent Living we care for older people in their own homes. Like the rest of the health and care social care sector we notice when the weather becomes cold for a prolonged period hospitalisations and illnesses increase. It is in Winter when home care can become important as the days are darker and colder risks increase. If a loved one has regular care calls the carer can check that people are eating, drinking, taking medication, keeping warm and in stable health. If we conduct regular care visits we are more likely to identify a problem earlier and we can inform relatives and if necessary GPs or the emergency services.
If we can help you or a loved one get through this Winter please give us a call 01257 696 050