This last week as the owner of Independent Living I have offered care and support outside normal working hours on a range of different tasks.  On Monday a lady we help had a knee replacement operation planned at Euxton Hall Hospital at 7am.  She required transport at 6-45am so she was there ready at 7am.  I was able to take her, a lady 86 year old with no immediate family to rely on – I was happy to help and put her mind at rest.  It later transpired her operation was cancelled so Im expecting to do the who care visit again! Although we officially start care at 7am as a business in the care sector we accept jobs sometimes come along which do not neat fit into this timeframe.  In today’s society hospitals often now work 7 days a week in order to clear the waiting list backlog therefore we have to accommodate this.

The following day (Tuesday) the process was repeated when another  customer needed a care call to take her to an emergency appointment at Whittle Surgery at 5-15 pm.  I fitted this care call in at just a few hour’s notice and she was seen by care staff late at 6 pm.  Of course I wanted to go home for my tea! but getting the customer a diagnosis and treatment comes first.  When you provide a care call at short notice and help an old person out of a difficult situation it is rewarding, they are very grateful.  Sometimes when I sit in the waiting room at a surgery or hospital I think it could me in a few years, and I would be grateful for this help and moral support.

On a lighter note some care calls help people to continue to enjoy life.  On Thursday I fetched a lady fish, chips and peas from Clayton Brook Chippy.  Now she is elderly she can’t drive but by having a carer she can still have her favourite meal!


If you or a loved one needs care (at anytime of the day) why not give Lilian or Amanda a call on 01257 696 050.